With the midterm elections days away, actresses Julianne Moore and Rosario Dawson, in partnership with We Stand United, are urging voters to elect democrats into office to combat against the Trump administration’s immigration policies.
In a heartbreaking video, the duo shed light on America’s humanitarian crisis. The short clip emphasizes that president Trump broke the law by cruelly separating families who were legally seeking asylum, keeping many of them in “ice boxes,” where temperatures dipped to a frigid 56 degrees.
Jon Kopaloff/Getty
Additionally children were kept in cages, and once the families were released from detention centers, they were left without food or money.
Ilya S. Savenok/Getty
But Dawson and Moore remind us that we can help motivate change. “The humanitarian crisis at our border is not over,” Dawson says.
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“Vote November 6th. Vote for Democrats for Congress, who will work to stop this humanitarian crisis,” Moore adds.
A Team Brownsville volunteer leader Sergio Cordova pushes Moore and Dawson’s statements a step further to get people to the polls. “The administration talks about how we need to keep people away, but if we no longer care about people and humanity, then evil has already won,” he says. “We become evil as a people.”
Exercise your right to vote on Tuesday, November 6th.