Ramble On!!

New England Runner



Three big plusses to this year‰Ûªs Ramble: 1) It wasn‰Ûªt, ala last year‰Ûªs race, run in mid-90è_ heat; 2) The soggy weather forecast for southen New England never extended to the Endicott Estate in Dedham, and 3) Celebrity Chef Angelo at the grill behind the TIR RV (but we‰Ûªll save that for a sidebar in the mag).
The Race: The new yellow singlets of the BAA, revealed at the 114th Boston Marathon a week earlier, were on display up front as 2008 Ramble champ Mark Miller, 30, of Keene, NH, took the point along with recently graduated Carnegie Mellon standout Brian Harvey, 22, of Allston. North Dighton‰Ûªs Kyle Sousa also made a bid early before slippting to 6th (33:06).
This was pretty much decided in the second mile on Lowder Street as Harvey opened up a 10m gap on Miller to hit the second mile in 9:42. The multi-time D3 All American ran steady from there‰ÛÓhis slowest mile a 4:59 through the hills of Noble & Greenough. 
Harvey would win in 30:43 with Miller second in 31:36 and Patrick McAdie making it a BAA sweep in 31:42. The Cambridge Sports Union‰Ûªs Stephen Granger-Bevan was the first finisher over 32:00, taking 4th in 32:28.
‰ÛÏToo warm,‰Û was how 2009 runner-up Maria Busienei, 24, summed up her runner-up showing. ‰ÛÏI had a good day today,‰Û was her feeling on the 2010 race after winning in 36:31 over former Brandeis ace Mariko Holbrook (36:53). Franklin‰Ûªs Nicole Murphy, 24, ran 6-flat to post up 3rd in 37:16 with Doyle‰Ûªs 5M winner Kristin Murphy 4th in 37:45 and New Balance-Boston‰Ûªs Yvonne Green, 27, fifth in 38:31.
The Open $ went $500-400-300 with the Masters purse at $400-300-200, which led to some heated action, especially on the men‰Ûªs side as 40+ runners went 8-9-10 overall, led by former Cape Cod Marathon winner Keven O‰ÛªNeil of North Kingstown, RI in 33:33.
‰ÛÏI used to run against Keiron (Tumbleton) but what‰Ûªs the other guy look like? Queried O‰ÛªNeil, who only needed to look back to catch a glimpse of Hurtin‰Ûª For Certain‰Ûªs Jason Cakouros, 44 (33:42). Tumbleton grimaced his way to third in 33:54.
Long-time Stratford, CT resident Zofia Wieciorkowska (POL), 47, powered her way to 9th overall in 41:07 to win the 40+ title handily. 
No records were set on the day, including the age groups through 70+ despite some stiff times. Dr. Bob Hillman orated the Joyce trivia quiz and was later seen exchanging pleasantries with Chef Angelo and the TIR squad.
(NOTE: Top 3 Open & 40+ removed from age groups)
AGE-GROUP RESULTS               27th Anniversary Edition James Joyce Ramble 10K  April 25, 2010   10 Kilometers (USATF Certified #MA01010RN)   Dedham, MA   ChampionChip Timing By: Granite State Race Services   chris@gsrs.com   ================================================================================                         FEMALE AGE GROUP:  19 and Under  Place O'All Nettime Pace  Guntime  Name                     Age Sex Race# City/state               ===== ===== ======= ===== =======  ======================== === === ===== =======================      
1   221   46:44  7:32   46:47  Michelle O'Connor         19 F     947 Dedham MA                    2   316   48:20  7:47   48:26  Jennifer Hickey           18 F     549 Dedham MA                    3   444   49:45  8:01   50:21  Adrienne Silver           16 F    1889 Bedford MA                   4   662   53:51  8:40   54:09  Julia O'Rourke            12 F     972 Marion MA                    
5   679   54:10  8:43   54:23  Lily Grant                16 F    1821 Dedham MA                    
6   882   56:56  9:10   57:20  Michelle McNeil           16 F     855 Canton MA                    7  1098   59:04  9:31 1:00:29  Erika D'Andrea            16 F    1847 Winchester MA                8  1100   59:05  9:31 1:00:30  Mary Richardson           16 F    1887 Marblehead MA                9  1144 1:00:35  9:45 1:01:01  Jillian Lawiess           12 F    1996 Dedham MA                   10  1166 1:00:25  9:44 1:01:22  Mackenzie Turner          14 F    1354 Dedham MA                                        
MALE AGE GROUP:  19 and Under  Place O'All Nettime Pace  Guntime  Name                     Age Sex Race# City/state               ===== ===== ======= ===== =======  ======================== === === ===== =======================      
1    56   40:12  6:29   40:38  Sean McNeil               18 M     854 Canton MA                    
2    70   41:47  6:44   41:48  Kevin Aldrich             15 M      12 Foxboro MA                   
3   133   44:00  7:05   44:17  Brian Coakley             16 M     215 Dedham MA                    4   182   45:30  7:20   45:56  Kevin McNeil              15 M     856 Canton MA                    5   381   48:39  7:50   49:31  Connor Heaney             15 M    1462 Medfield MA                  6   408   49:21  7:57   49:47  Tristan Dunn              13 M     353 Gloucester MA                7   534   51:54  8:22   51:58  Robert John Mulrey        13 M     898 Hopedale MA                  8   585   52:14  8:25   52:51  Jimmy Cochran             14 M     217 Dedham MA                    9   766   54:47  8:49   55:34  Christopher Duckworth     13 M     345 West Roxbury MA             10   796   54:49  8:50   56:04  Ryan Connell              15 M     231 Dedham MA                                         
FEMALE AGE GROUP:  20 to 39  Place O'All Nettime Pace  Guntime  Name                     Age Sex Race# City/state               ===== ===== ======= ===== =======  ======================== === === ===== =======================      
1    21   37:44  6:05   37:45  Kristin Murphy            29 F    1885 Newton MA                    2    27   38:30  6:12   38:31  Yvonne Green              27 F    1852 Watertown MA                 3    39   39:32  6:22   39:33  Alexandra Varanka         24 F    1563 Amherst NH                   4    58   40:53  6:35   40:56  Susan Macleod             32 F     782 Boston MA                    
5    60   40:55  6:36   40:58  Lynn Burns                36 F     158 Dedham MA                    
6    62   41:18  6:39   41:19  Emily Mallick             27 F     798 Worcester MA                 
7   105   43:04  6:56   43:12  Kelly Schultz             34 F    1126 Newton MA                    
8   110   42:48  6:54   43:15  Kate Blake                32 F     107 Dedham MA                    
9   116   43:31  7:01   43:33  Allison Packard           27 F     981 Norwood MA                  10   124   43:51  7:04   43:58  Jessica Stowell           30 F    1745 Boston MA                                           
MALE AGE GROUP:  20 to 39  Place O'All Nettime Pace  Guntime  Name                     Age Sex Race# City/state               ===== ===== ======= ===== =======  ======================== === === ===== =======================      
1     4   32:27  5:14   32:28  Stephen Granger-Bevan     25 M     486 Boston MA                    2     5   32:52  5:18   32:52  Daniel Lounsbury          27 M     762 Cambridge MA                 3     6   33:06  5:20   33:06  Kyle Sousa                24 M    1177 North Dighton MA             4    10   33:56  5:28   33:56  Avery Bouchard            23 M    1841 Swansea MA                   5    11   34:13  5:31   34:13  T.J. Unger                31 M    1258 Roslindale MA                
6    14   35:49  5:46   35:50  Thomas Young              32 M    1600 Boston MA                    7    16   36:41  5:55   36:42  Karol Cronin              28 M    1732 West Roxbury MA              8    19   37:26  6:02   37:35  Steve Masterson           24 M     818 Brookline MA                 9    20   37:40  6:04   37:41  John Obrien               39 M     939 Sudbury MA                  
10    24   38:11  6:09   38:12  Steve Chabot              30 M     189 Keene NH                                          
FEMALE AGE GROUP:  40 to 49  Place O'All Nettime Pace  Guntime  Name                     Age Sex Race# City/state               ===== ===== ======= ===== =======  ======================== === === ===== =======================      
1   103   43:07  6:57   43:11  Karin Lehr                40 F     730 Belmont MA                   
2   146   44:48  7:13   44:50  Beverly Halliday          41 F     505 Carlisle MA                  
3   157   44:52  7:14   45:06  Barbara Emery             43 F    1773 Dedham MA                    4   184   45:45  7:22   45:57  Una Corrigan              41 F     245 Walpole MA                   
5   187   45:43  7:22   45:59  Cathy Gorodentsev         40 F     477 Needham MA                   6   192   45:40  7:21   46:03  Molly Scippa              42 F    1965 Brookline MA                 7   196   46:03  7:25   46:09  Karen Ringheiser          46 F    1899 Carlisle MA                  8   237   46:33  7:30   47:00  Rosalyn Adam              40 F       4 Brookline MA                 

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