Chelsea Manning, Whose Leaks Helped Expose Military Criminality, Asks Obama to Reduce Her Sentence

U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning has formally petitioned President Barack Obama to reduce her sentence to the six years she’s already served.

The 28-year-old transgender woman was sentenced in 2013 to 35 years for releasing a trove of government and military documents to WikiLeaks. Through those leaks, the Center for Constitutional Rights has argued, she “helped bring to light the criminality of U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

In the Nov. 10 petition, which was obtained by the New York Times, she states that she takes “full and complete responsibility” for the disclosures she made “out of concern for my country, the innocent civilians whose lives were lost as a result of war, and in support of two values that our country holds dear—transparency and public accountability.”

Her experiences in solitary confinement, both before formal charges were brought and a following a suicide attempt, “have broken me and made me feel less than human,” she states.

She also describes being the target of homophobic insults during her youth and time in the Army. “I wish I had received a a fair shot at a better life,” she writes.