As Propaganda Rains Down in US, Real Bombs Kill Scores of Civilians in Yemen

Just as a fear-soaked yet uneventful Fourth of July weekend came to an end in the United States, it was reported out of the impoverished and war-torn country of Yemen on Monday that a series of airstrikes by Saudi Arabia—which is receiving ongoing military intelligence and logistical support from the U.S.—had killed one hundred or more innocent people, including men, women, and children.

According to reports, at least 45 people were killed and another 50 wounded after Saudi Arabia warplanes bombed a market in Lanj province near the southern port city of Aden.

“I came right after the explosion and saw dozens of dead strewn about and a sea of blood, while the wounded were being evacuated to nearby hospitals,” resident Abu-Ali al-Azibi told the Associated Press. “[There was] blood from people mixed with that of the sheep and other livestock at the market.”

Meanwhile, the Houthi-run Saba news agency said 54 people had been killed in a series of raids in the Amran province, north of the capital Sanaa, including 40 who had been shopping at a market in an area called Lower Joub in the Eyal Yazeed district.

The United Nations as well as international aid and human rights groups are warning that the ongoing military assault on Yemen is rapidly pushing one of the most impoverished nations in the world from “urgent humanitarian crisis” towards all-out “famine.”

At the same time, critics of Saudi Arabia’s bombing campaign are also pointing out the enormous level of U.S. hypocrisy: fear-mongering over “non-existent” threats of terrorism on its shores, while actively turning a blind eye towards the kind of terrorism that its own military is supporting in places like Yemen.

Not only does Saudi Arabia remain the closest U.S. ally among the Arab nations in the Middle East, it is also—by far—the largest purchaser of U.S. weapons and military supplies.

Ahead of the holiday weekend in the U.S., consumers of mainstream news were treated to a series of splashy warnings that indicated Islamic State (ISIS) or Al-Qaeda-affiliated attacks might target civilians, despite what turned out to be “no credible information” that these warnings had any basis in fact. As Trevor Timm, executive director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, wrote Tuesday:

With this in mind, journalist Glenn Greenwald argues that the juxtaposition of last week’s fear-mongering and “melodramatic warnings” against the actual killing of scores of civilians in Yemen on Monday makes for a powerful lesson in the way Americans are systematically fed propaganda when it comes to what has euphemistically become known as the “war on terror”—the nearly 15-year-long military campaign against a tactic.

While violent attacks that actually never take place in the U.S. receive days of dramatic coverage on outlets like CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, the bombing of real innocent people at the hands of a military receiving direct U.S. support, observes Greenwald, are typically ignored. “This media imbalance,” he writes, “is a vital propaganda tool.”

Throughout mainstream media’s coverage of Monday’s bombing in the Fayoush District of Lanj Province, Greenwald notes,

While media critics point out how the fear-based coverage surrounding “terror warnings” in the U.S. is itself absurd, Greenwald’s broader message is the sinister role this pattern of media behavior has had in terms of prolonging the “war on terror,” as well as its associated destruction around the world.

“This is how the American self-perception as perpetual victim of terrorism, but never its perpetrator, is sustained,” he writes. “It’s also what fuels the belief that ‘They’ are propagandized but ‘We’ aren’t.”

And while the deaths of all the people killed in U.S.-backed bombings in Yemen on Monday “will be concealed from the American public,” he continues, “people in that part of the world will hear much about them: just as Americans heard almost nothing about the Al Jazeera journalist imprisoned for years in Guantanamo with no charges, Sami al-Hajj, while he was a cause celebre in the Muslim world, leading Americans to believe that only the Bad Countries, but never Us, imprison journalists.”

Greenwald concludes, “From this latest Yemen bombing and so many like it, the resulting differences in worldviews and perspectives isn’t be because ‘they’ are propagandized, but because ‘we’ are.”

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