ROH State Of The Art: Night 2 Results (6/16): Dallas, Texas

This week, Ring Of Honor (ROH) “State Of The Art: Night 2” took place at the Gilley’s Dallas venue in Dallas, Texas, streamed live on the HonorClub service.

Featured below are results from the event.

Ring of Honor “State of the Art” Night Two
Aired live on HonorClub
Dallas, Texas at Gilley’s Dallas

The broadcast team was Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana.

* Tenille Dashwood pinned Thunder Rosa.
* The Young Bucks defeated The Boys.
* The Kingdom defeated Atlantis, Stuka Jr., and Guerrero Maya to retain the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles.
* Marty Scurll defeated Flip Gordon and Jay Lethal in a three-way. Scurll beat Gordon via submission.
* “Hurricane” Shane Helms and Delirious defeated Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian.
* The Briscoes defeated “The Killer Elite Squad” Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Lance Archer to retain the ROH Tag Titles. Mark Briscoe pinned Archer. The Young Bucks came out and threw chairs at the Briscoes and then superkicked them afterward.
* Cody (w/Brandi Rhodes) defeated Shane Taylor.
* Punishment Martinez beat Silas Young, Jonathan Gresham, Cheeseburger, Scorpio Sky, and Adam Page in a six-way Proving Ground match to earn an ROH TV Title shot. Martinez pinned Cheeseburger to earn the instant title shot.
* Punishment Martinez defeated Silas Young win the ROH TV Championship. The live crowd didn’t really react when Martinez made the cover, but they popped big after the ref counted to three. Does this mean Martinez will defend the title against Adam Page at ROH Best in the World?

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