Johnny Mundo Talks About Wrestlers Having Creative Freedom In Lucha Underground

Johnny Mundo recently spoke with Alfred Konuwa of the PodNasty Wrestling Podcast and explained why he prefers working for Lucha Underground over WWE. He also had some words for Seth Rollins. Here are the highlights of what Mundo said about:

Having creative freedom in Lucha Underground:

“I do feel like there’s not handcuffs here, so to speak, and creativity is more encouraged and people are more receptive to ideas here. WWE is sometimes a little bit micromanaged, and backstage everybody’s dragging their feet, walking on eggshells a little bit and here I don’t think that exists.”

Seth Rollins’ knee injury:

“There’s nothing worse than being injured, especially for somebody like Seth because he’s an artist in the ring. To have a broken wheel like he’s got right now has got to be killing him. I wish him a speedy recovery because I want to kick his ass one day. And I will say that I’m sure he can talk all kinds of trash to you or whoever, as long as I’m not in the room with him. But I also think that after his interview with you—and I might have said a few things back—I don’t think he’s ever going to say anything about me again because he knows at the end of the day I’m smarter, more talented, I’ve had a much longer, better career than him and if we’re ever in the ring together it’s going to be painfully obvious how much better than him I am.”

VIDEO: BROCK LESNAR’s Return to the Ring from Saturday Night (Full Match)