— Internally, the feeling on Mr. Kennedy is that his current program with Shawn Michaels is a “sink or swim” opportunity for him. The feeling is that if doesn’t rise to the occasion to stand out in his program feud with HBK, he’ll be relegated to mid-card status for the foreseeable future. According to one source, he’s listening to pretty much anyone and everyone for advice on how to improve in the ring, including creative team writers. He used to be very close with Steve Austin, but Austin said in a recent interview that he is listening to too many people. Kennedy is said to have little confidence in his own instincts as a performer, which might explain why he’s often trying new things and different finishers in his matches as of late.
— Rey Mysterio jammed his knee again during his match with MVP at Armageddon. However, he was telling people later that night that he was all right.
— In a recent interview with, Jeff Hardy gave an update on Matt Hardy’s condition after he had an emergency appendectomy last month. Jeff said, “Matt’s good, he’s at home, his appendix burst when he was in Tampa, so he goes home, he’s out of the hospital one week, and he starts having chills and fevers. He went back in and had to get 40 more cc’s of infection out of his toe. Now, this is the best he’s felt since this all started.”
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