European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, Jyrki Katainen | John Thys/AFP via Getty Images
Commission issues blueprint for tackling globalization
The paper includes ideas for tackling tax evasion, unfair government subsidies and labor exploitation.
The European Commission put forward Wednesday a blueprint for “harnessing globalization” which includes strategies to tackle tax evasion, unfair government subsidies and so-called social dumping, the practice of employers exploiting cheaper labor costs in other countries.
The 22 page reflection paper — which is light on specific policy proposals — is essentially an effort by the bloc’s most expert technocrats to level the economic playing field and tame the political and economic forces that have led to extraordinary upheaval and a wave of neo-nationalist populism.
The paper also suggests a push within the EU “to protect and empower citizens through robust social policies and providing the necessary education and training.”
At a news conference to unveil the blueprint, Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans said, “There is no protection in protectionism.”
Jyrki Katainen, the Commission vice president for jobs and competitiveness, said EU officials were looking to reassure citizens that policymakers retained some measure of control over the forces of globalization that often seem beyond their reach.
“There is no reason to be afraid of globalization because all the policy tools are in our hands,” Katainen said at a news conference.
Officials said that the “reflection paper” was intended to jump-start a debate and yield concrete proposals in Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s State of the Union speech later this fall.