'Corrupt & Corrupter': DC Billboard Ridicules Trump and Bernhardt as Two Greedy Idiots Destroying US Public Lands for Fossil Fuel Profits

Not ‘Dumb and Dumber,’ but ‘Corrupt and Corrupter.”

Lumping President Donald Trump and U.S. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt together as a pair of hapless (yet dangerous) stooges working in service of the fossil fuel industry, an environmental watchdog group this week is driving a mobile billboard around Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. in order to call out the tenacious greed and corruption of the current administration.

“To hold the dubious honor of being President Trump’s most corrupt and conflicted cabinet member takes some serious swampiness.” —Jayson O’Neill, Western Values Project

Specifically citing Bernhardt’s subservience to big oil and gas interests that puts the nation’s public land, air, and water at risk, the billboard highlights how Bernhardt—a former lobbyist—has allowed previous clients of his, including the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA), to directly influence decision-making and policy at Interior, which manages the nation’s public lands.

“To hold the dubious honor of being President Trump’s most corrupt and conflicted cabinet member takes some serious swampiness,” said Jayson O’Neill, deputy director of the Western Values Project. “But Secretary Bernhardt keeps one-upping Trump’s other swampy members by allowing his former clients, like IPAA, to influence nearly every decision at Interior related to public lands, wildlife, and resources. There is still a chance for Congress to save America’s outdoor heritage and hold Secretary Bernhardt accountable for turning Interior into his own personal lobby shop.”

Numerous environmental and government watchdog groups have accused Trump of using the power of the Interior Department to exploit public lands for private industry profit with little to no regard for environmental degradation.