Ember Moon To Host New Show, Daniel Bryan On His Motivation To Return to the Ring (Video), MLW War Games Tickets

WWE Raw Superstar and avid gamer, Ember Moon has been confirmed to host a new show that will be on the UpUpDownDown YouTube channel.

The show will be called Rollout and will feature Moon and other WWE Superstars playing Dungeons and Dragons, a game Moon is a big fan of. You can watch the first episode of the new show below:

Daniel Bryan Talks His Motivation To Return

WWE’s YouTube channel has uploaded several clips from the latest Total Bellas episode with the first focusing on Daniel Bryan as he discusses his motivation to return to the ring.

MLW War Games Tickets

As noted, MLW will be bringing back War Games, and tickets for the event, which will take place in Fort Lauderdale, FL, are now on-sale:

Tickets go on sale THIS MORNING at 10 a.m. at https://t.co/mgFD7c7nL6 and at https://t.co/fs9B4PnoaI for MLW’s return to Fort Lauderdale for the first time in 14 years featuring #WARGAMES!

Get those tickets and guarantee you’re there to see the next MLW Fusion TV taping!

— Major League Wrestling (@MLW) July 23, 2018

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