It’s Memorial Day Weekend: Here’s How To Fly The Flag To Honor Our Soldiers

If you’re looking to observe a traditional Memorial Day over the weekend, you should fly the flag at half-staff until noon.

The flag must then be raised to full-staff when at noon. The practice is a special protocol unique to Memorial Day.

Flying the flag at half-staff is meant to honor those who have passed during war. Raising the flag to full-staff at noon honors the living, according to the U.S. Code.

The specific guidelines for flying a flag at half-staff can be found in the U.S. Code, Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 7. The code states whenever a flag flies at half-staff, it “should be first hoisted to the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-staff position.”

When you take the flag down for the evening, the U.S. Code states that it should “be again raised to the peak before it is lowered for the day.”

Memorial Day remembers all those who died in active military service, so following proper protocol is important to correctly honor the men and women who have passed away fighting for our freedom. It also honors those who are on active duty.

While the flag is being hoisted, there are protocols that should be observed as well.

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