Jim Ross Talks About Rumors That He's Returning To WWE As An Announcer

The following are highlights of the latest Jim Ross blog:

On the Diva Revolution: “Happy to see the WWE Divas get three segments of TV time on Smackdown Thursday night. They all maximized their minutes and while Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks get plenty of pub, and well deserved I might add, don’t sleep on the others ladies especially Naomi who is a gifted athlete and has been a standout since I saw her first start in FCW in Tampa. If these women continue to work as hard to get better at their jobs as they did to get to the main roster then they will continue to earn more TV time, more money and contribute to the overall success of the talent roster which should be every talent’s goal no matter the company.”

On returning to WWE as an announcer: “Did a short interview with Bleacher Report and got asked the same question that I generally get daily on Twitter and that is if I’d ever consider going back to announcing for WWE. First of all, no talks of that nature have taken place, I am not interested in going back on the road 51 weeks a year and WWE is looking to get younger in all areas and not older. Would I like to broadcast a match at a Wrestlemania? Of course…who wouldn’t? That’s the extent of my thoughts on that matter. I had a great, 21 year run in WWE for which I’m grateful but we’ve both moved on. However, if any one in the biz can honestly look you in the eye and say that being a part of a Wrestlemania presentation wouldn’t be fun then I question their level of honesty. I assume some may feel that way but the vast majority would say yes. That;s the entire story and I’m happy doing what I’m doing and that is being able to work my own schedule and do projects that I enjoy without extensive travel.”

On Lucha Underground season finale: “Really enjoyed Lucha Underground Wednesday night and thought their season finale was excellent. I’m intrigued by a weekly pro wrestling show having a ‘season.’ The matches were overall strong, emotional and at times graphically old school. The Vampiro match was simplistic but highly effective and compelling. I’m still not a fan of the intergender content but LU handles it about as well as one can. Thought Alberto El Patron v. Johnny Mundo with the Melina cameo was a great start to the two hour show as well. As are most fans, I’m anxious to see if this group has a season two. Fingers crossed for them.”

Check out the complete blog at JRsBarBQ.com. You can order JR’s Bar-B-Q products online at WWEShop.com.

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