Former longtime WCW booker and legendary heel pro wrestler Kevin Sullivan recently appeared as a guest on The Interactive Wrestling Radio Show for an in-depth interview. Featured below are some of the highlights.
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On the talent in ROH: “Let me tell you about their talent. I’ve seen them all in my 40 years. Jay Lethal and Jay Briscoe matches are just as good as Funk and Brisco, Flair and Steamboat. These guys are just superb. They’ve got some great young talent. Dalton Castle? He’s a special talent. They get Cody [Rhodes] there. He’s a special talent and an influx of New Japan guys.”
On his displeasure with Sinclair Broadcasting and the way they handle ROH TV: “There’s no, ‘at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, watch Ring of Honor! It is all spread out!”
On ROH not knowing the ratings for their own show: “So, if you and I shoot an angle on segment 2, I can’t tell you if that angle got over or not. These people are booking with their hands tied and blindfolded. How can you progress not knowing if you’re succeeding or not? The main thing with Sinclair is politics. Wrestling is not a fly on an elephant’s ass – It is a nat on the fly on the elephant’s ass! I don’t know how you can expect these guys doing the writing to know if they are succeeding or not. That tells me they, Sinclair, really don’t care. They just need to fill an hour segment or a 2-hour segment.”
On ROH losing their “cool” factor and how the “All In” success proves this theory: “I’ll give you why and I think this is the definite proof. Last Saturday, Ring of Honor was in Chicago with Cody and all of the boys, right? They drew 1,600 people. On Sunday, All In drew 11,000 people in 29 minutes and 31 seconds. What is wrong with this picture? People look at Ring of Honor and think it is uncool.”
Check out the complete episode of Interactive Wrestling Radio featuring the Kevin Sullivan interview at