On Lilian Garcia’s chasing Glory WWE champion Kofi Kingston talked about the decision he and his wife made to have their two sons home schooled:
“My wife and I made the decision since I’m never home to have our sons home schooled. We figured since I’m never home that I’d barely see them if they were in a school. Once I’m home all my time is with them. I’d prob only get 3 hours with them if they were in an actual school. And it’s really hard the other day when I was leaving the house to catch a flight everyone was asleep but my youngest son had woken up early and begged me not to leave. I had to pry him away and it’s hard seeing him cry from the window as I leave for the road.”
Kofi also went on to say how his kids have very limited screen and time and barley watch any television:
“ We made a rule that they get limited screen time. Maybe up to 30 mins to an hour. We have one TV in the house and it’s barely used. The kids have never seen an episode of Raw or Smackdown. Like the other day we were in the Apple Store and they stood there for hours because they didn’t want to leave. But once it’s bed time for them that when myself and my wife bust out the laptops and start using the electronics.
They only know the wrestlers from books I bring home and then when they come to shows they say “OH that’s Rusev or OH that’s Braun Strowman.” And when they’re at shows they’ll only come down for my matches and once they’re over they’ll go back to catering.”Click Here: