When it comes to their post-breakup friendship, Lena Dunham and Jack Antonoff toe the line between “ex goals” and “wait hold up, are they back together?”
On the one hand, they’re not afraid to flirt with each other on Instagram … but sources close to them admitted they grew apart, which was partly responsible for the breakup. Dunham said she’ll “always” wear the anniversary ring he gave her … but she’s more than comfortable writing about how to she got over their breakup.
Head scratcher, we know.
Today’s edition of surprising Dunham-Antonoff dynamics and dualities comes courtesy of an old list that Dunham shared with the world Monday. A baby name list, to be precise … that she created with then-boyfriend Antonoff.
Jeff Kravitz
“Hey @jackantonoff,” she wrote. “I just found a potential baby name list we made in 2015. I could definitely keep this private, but then the world wouldn’t know that you suggested “Carrot” over and over… Love u!!!”
That’s one way to get your ex’s attention. Another attention-grabber was the range of names on the list, which included everything from “Kelly” and “Clare” to “Na” and “Gracious.”
Here’s the full list, in case you’re curious: Oz, Kelly, Na, Carrot, Ricki Lee, Jacki, Eddy, Joy, Sara Lee, Zavie, Toni, Camilla, Loretta, Rah, Shogo, Clare, Gracious.
RELATED: What Lena Dunham’s Full Hysterectomy Means for Her Plans to Have Children
Look, we’re happy that they’re happy — together or apart — but we are just a tad bummed that we never got to throw a baby shower for little Carrot Dunham-Antonoff. Oh well.
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