Linda McMahon Talks Lack of Health Insurance In WWE

Linda McMahon, former head of the WWE with her husband Vince McMahon and now head of the Small Business Administration recently spoke with the Las Vegas Sun. In the interview, she was asked about the WWE not paying health insurance to its wrestlers.
“It’s such a complicated issue to try to give a succinct answer. WWE went from having no insurance when Vince and I first got started — I remember when I walked into his office when we had 13 or maybe 14 employees, and I said, ‘Guess what? You now have health insurance.’ And he said, ‘Wow.’ I don’t think he realized he didn’t have it before. The cost of health care has grown. We had a very young company, so there were a lot of babies being born, so we had some high expenses. Eventually, we went to self-insuring except for catastrophic. We had health savings plans. We tried different ways to make sure that our employees had really great coverage that they weren’t paying too much out of pocket to try to keep those co-pays reasonable within guidelines. I do think that government can be helpful in the health care field by repealing and replacing Obamacare at this particular point. I do believe that. I think it must be better. There are some aspects of it that are good. I absolutely believe children should be able to stay on their parents’ policy, that there should be no pre-conditions that would prevent you from getting health care. So there are many parts of it that I think are really good. I think it has some good points. It will now get tweaked by the Senate, and I really do hope it can get pulled together because I think the tax savings that will be realized through the proposal that had been put in the House and the Senate, that does help to push our tax reform down the road.”

The entire interview can be read here: