Meghan Markle’s Dad Compares the Royal Family to a Cult

During the interview, he also revealed that he actually hung up on Harry while talking about staged paparazzi photos ahead of his daughter’s royal wedding.

“Harry told me that I should never go to the press. That it would end in tears. He said, ‘They will eat you alive,’ ” he said during an interview with The Mail on Sunday. “He was right.”

Looking back, Thomas said he realizes that Harry was “absolutely right” that staging the photos was a bad idea. However, he explained he was still “hurt” when Meghan told him he wouldn’t be able to make a speech at their wedding. (At the last minute, Thomas did not attend the royal wedding due to health complications.)

Since his daughter married Harry in May, Thomas has spoken at length about his frustration over the lack of contact he’s had with her.

RELATED: Thomas Markle Claims Meghan Never Sent Him an Invitation to the Royal Wedding

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“I spoke to Meghan and Harry Briefly after the wedding,” he told The Sun on Sunday last month, admitting that he hasn’t talked with the couple since.

Thomas went on to add that “the phone number I had been calling Meghan on is no longer picking up” and that “I don’t have an address for her.”

He also went on to call his daughter “cold” in an interview last month with The Mail on Sunday, claiming that Harry’s late mother Princess Diana “would have loathed the way I’ve been treated.”

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