More Details on Lesnar/Reigns & Who Was Told of the Finish Being Changed

— The exact finish originally scripted for the Universal title match was for Roman Reigns to pin Brock Lesnar after bouncing off the ropes and hitting a fifth spear. Instead, it was changed to Brock catching Reigns off the ropes with a sixth F-5 for the pin.

— It is unknown who exactly knew about the new finish to this match, apart from Vince McMahon, Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns, who was only told the day of the show. One guess would be that Triple H and a few other key people within Vince’s circle were likely informed by him.

— Referee Chad Patton was told in no specific terms to count to three if the shoulders were down, meaning it was the wrestlers’ responsibility to get their shoulders up before three as the ref would be counting away. Michael Hayes, who set up the match with the wrestlers and Paul Heyman, was reportedly not told so he laid the match out with the previously mentioned finish where Reigns would win via spear.

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