source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
— Rey Mysterio is said to be unhappy with his current pay because he doesn’t feel like he’s making as much as other top wrestlers in the company, reports prowrestling.NET. However, the two sides are currently negotiating a new contract. Mysterio’s WWE contract expires late this year or early next year. Most WWE wrestlers are under the impression that returning stars Chris Jericho and Big Show were lured back to the company with huge downside guarantees.
— “Stone Cold” Steve Austin was not particularly satisfied with the final product of his new WWE DVD, The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin. While promoting the DVD in the U.K., he told the Daily Star, “It’s mediocre. It kind of bridges the gap. But I thought, given the type of career I had, I expected more from it. Is it good? It’s not bad. I’m honest in everything I promote. It’s average. I’ve seen a lot of their recent DVDs which I thought were a lot better than this one. It’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it. Let’s leave it at that.”
— Regarding WWE Magazine sales, an average of 231,352 magazines were sold per issue in 2007. The magazine division finished with $5.1 million in profit, or $243,000 per issue. In 2006 with the old magazine style, it averaged 174,600 in sales and the profit margin for each magazine release was $106,000.
— Earlier in the week, CNN’s Showbiz Tonight did a segment on Hulk Hogan, talking about his divorce and about the lawsuit against him and his son, Nick. If you missed the segment, you can see a video of it at this link.
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