RAW this week starts with a replay of the huge ECW tag match last week. HHH was beating the heck out of everyone with a chair and Regal turned the lights out. When they came back on Orton was in the ring and hit an RKO on HHH.
The lights are completely out in the arena. JR and King are talking about it when the come on. Regal and Lillian are in ring. Lillian starts singing God Save The Queen. Huge heat. Regal stands there stoic through it all. “You suck” chants start.
Regal asks how dare the disrespect his country and him. He’s the GM and King and can do as he wishes. He can have people thrown out if he wishes. He’s going to make an example of people. He leaves the ring and starts walking around looking at the fans in the front row. He picks a couple people and says they’re being tossed out.
Mickie rushes out to try to stop it. Regal says he doesn’t care if it’s her brother and his girlfriend. He tosses them out and goes back to the ring. Mickie follows him to the ring. He tells her he’ll throw her out too. He then threatens to strip her of her belt. He’s about to do something when Cena’s music cuts him off.
Cena comes down to the ring. He puts an arm around Mickie and escorts her from the ring. He watches her leave and glares at Regal. He says he’s been gone for a few weeks. Usually when he comes back he’s bouncing around ready to raise some hell. But he needs to talk to Regal man to man. He knows Regal’s in a new position. He knows he’s working hard. He knows how hard it is to pour his heart out and is then told he sucks. He knows everyone thinks Regal is screwing up.
Regal says Vince agrees with him
Cena says Vince is crazy. He talks to himself and has so strange sexual fetishes. Cena says he has fan’s letters. He reads one that says, “Why should they respect Regal when he doesn’t respect us.” Another says, ”This is bad, WCW Thunder bad.” A 75 year old grandmother says, “Regal is like pooping in my mouth and calling it a sundae.”
The fans are giving tons of heat, including chanting, “Fire Regal.”
Regal asks if this is how people feel.
Cena says they do feel this way.
Regal says he won’t shut off the lights tonight. He says that Cena’s been gone due to the kick in the head from Orton at the PPV.
Cena says he wants to know when JBL will be involved, five or ten minutes into the match.
Regal says no one will interfere. If they do they will be suspended. Regal says that now that he’s earned some respect, he leaves the ring.
Cena stops him on the ramp and says he didn’t earn respect, he made a good match. He still needs to talk to him though. He started the Show by having Lillian sing God Save The Queen. They’re in America now. If Regal doesn’t clean it up even God won’t save him. The fans will rip him apart. Cena gets so cheap pops and then gets Lillian to Sing Aretha Franklin’s Respect.
Of course she does it beautifully.
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Piper’s music! He comes out to the ring in a black kilt. Lillian curtsies in the ring. He goes over and shakes hands with JR and King. He throws the time keeper out of his seat and grabs the chair. He sets it up ringside and sits down.
Santino comes out to the ring and Piper makes faces at him. Carlito comes out next. It’s a tag title match. In the ring the two of them talk smack to Piper. Cody and Holly come out together. Carlito and Santino leave the ring for Holly and Cody. Carlito throws his apple at Piper.
Santino and Holly start. Back elbow to Santino and a standing drop kick to Santino. Chops to Santino. Carlito comes in behind the refs back and attacks Holly. Carlito tags in and continues to beat down Holly. Holly gets bounced off the corner. Santino tags in and takes down Holly. Santino yells smack at Piper. Back body drop to Holly. Carlito tags in gets caught in a back suplex.
Santino and Cody both tag in. Cody covers for two with a flying cross body. Power slam to Santino for two. Again Cody take Santino down for two. Santino slams Cody and sits up top but gets distracted by Piper. After he stops yelling at Piper Santino turns around into a kick and a DDT. Cody covers for three.
– Winners: Cody & Holly
Piper gets in the ring and celebrates with Cody and Holly. Video replay of portions of the match. Piper raises the winners’ hands while the other two stagger off up the ramp.
Video replay of Batista dropping HBK and his possible injury at the PPV. JR and King talk about it through the whole thing.
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Kennedy comes out to the stage and his mi drops there! He says he has a big mouth, but no one’s going to shut it for him because he’s Mrrrrr. Kennnnnnedy, Kennnedy. He then comes to the ring. Snitsky comes out to face him.
Kennedy kicks Snitsky’s leg and they then lock up. Kennedy is backed into so corner. Clean break and Kennedy gets his feet up when Snitsky rushes him. Kennedy flies at him and is caught in the air. Kennedy is slammed around a bit and then an elbow drop and Snitsky covers for two. Bear hug to Kennedy who gets out but runs back into the bear hug. Punches to Snitsky’s head and he runs into a hard shoulder block. Snitsky tries to drop a leg but Kennedy moves. Kennedy ducks a clothesline and takes Snitsky’s leg out from under him. Kennedy keep taking that left leg out from under Snitsky. Kennedy covers for two. Kennedy then gets slammed down. Snitsky goes for a cup handle slam but he rakes Snitsky’s face and is able to hit the mic check for three.
– Winner: Kennedy
Video replay of bits of the match.
– Commercial
Grisham is out back with Santino. He’s pissed at Piper. He says Hogan’s not champion, Reagan’s not president and Michael J. Fox is not heading back to the future to become a werewolf. Grisham tries to correct him but Santino won’t have it. He says he’s looking for Piper and it will hurt more than a coconut to the head.
Mickie is out back with Cena. She thanks him for earlier. She invites him to go out to drinks with her brother, his girlfriend and her. He says he’s too dedicated to work and has two pig matches and can’t do it. He’s very stoic. She then realized he’s yanking her chain. He says he’ll go for two reasons – her brother’s a bog fan and her brother’s a big fan. He said it might get pretty wild. She says she’s up for it. She’s all happy and bounces off.
Beth and Melina are out back heading for the ring.
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WWE Slam of The Week – Mickie managing to retain her title last week against Beth in a Lumber Jill Match due to Melina accidentally hitting Beth in the head with her boot.
Melina comes out in a green version of her wrestling gear. She does her split entrance. Beth comes out to tag with her in a black and green halter jumpsuit. She can’t do her whole entrance before Maria’s music. She comes out in black pants and a sparkly vest with a silver bra top under. Mickie comes bouncing out in an orange/red two piece wrestling outfit.
Maria and Melina start. Maria is able to take Melina down and cover for two. Mickie tags in, they work together and Mickie is able to cover. Beth breaks the count. Melina gets slammed hard into Beth who’s on the apron and sends her flying. Mickie gets forced back into the corner. Melina wanted a tag, but Beth leaves her there. Mickie takes Melina down with a neck breaker and covers for three.
– Winners: Mickie & Maria
Beth is on the ramp glaring at Melina. Then Maria and Mickie celebrate in the ring.
– Commercial
JR and King talk about HBK’s possible injury. 72% or the fans think HBK was injured.
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Y2J comes down to the ring. He poses for the fans. He looks around and listen to the “Y2J” chants before speaking. He says there’s been a lot of controversy about HBK’s possible injury at the PPV. He shows the video again. Y2J says that a lot of the fans think the injury was real. He didn’t buy it. He knows HBK, was the ref for that match. He walked around telling everyone how he was faking it. He thought HBK should be applauded for his performance, but something happened last week to change his mind. He shows video of them winning their tag match last week and how HBK hit the superkick and hobbled away. He says he saw the pain in HBK’s face and came to the conclusion that he is hurt. He wanted to apologize for questioning his integrity. He thinks HBK should call off their match this weekend. Heck, he’ll call it off, he’ll talk to Regal about it.
HBK’s music and HBK comes limping to the ring. His hops up the stairs, tosses his hat to the fans and gets in the ring. He says he came out here…
Y2J says he’s apologizing.
HBK starts talking again and Y2J cuts him off.
HBK says he’s not the one who needs to apologize. For the first time in his career he feigned an injury. Y2J’s right, he’s not hurt.
Y2J says he knows what HBK’s doing and it won’t work. He knows HBK’s playing mind games before the PPV. Y2J says it doesn’t say rookie on his forehead. That mental tricker might have worked on Batista but Y2J’s been doing this for 17 years.
HBK says he said he’d do whatever it took to win. He’s not hurt.
Y2J’s getting pissed. He says the problem with HBK is that he think’s he smarter than anyone else. It doesn’t matter what he says or does…
Sweet chin music. Y2J is flat in the mat looking up at HBK. “Y2J” chants.
HBK gets down in Y2J’s face and says, “Trust me when I tell ya, I’m not hurt.” HBK drops the mic, goes through the ropes and jumps down from the apron to land hard on both feet to prove he’s not injured.
Y2J is still prone on the mat.
– Commercial
Jeff Hardy comes back with new music. I didn’t recognize it and King asked who’s it was. Jeff comes out with red hair. He grabs a mic and the fans are chanting his name. He says it’s good to be back. He never wanted to be away, but he made a mistake and he paid for it. But now that he’s back he’s got a lot to do, like become IC… His mic cuts out.
Regal comes out to the stage. He says no one wants to hear his mea culpa. He thinks Jeff should be punished for his sins, so he’s facing this man…
Umaga comes out. Regal calls for a ref.
Jeff double kicks him through the ropes then flies out. Jeff then gets slammed hard into the barrier. They go in the ring and the bell rings to start the match. “Let’s go Hardy” chants. Jeff is slammed into a corner and slammed down. Umaga goes up and hits a flying head butt. Jeff gets beaten down in a corner to “Hardy” chants. Bum slam from Umaga, but Jeff moves. Jeff runs up the corner, hits whisper in the wind and covers for three. Umaga kicks out, but it’s too late.
– Winner: Jeff Hardy!
Video replay of bits of the match. (I have to say I’m shocked the let Jeff win this!) Umaga is in the ring pitching a fit.
– Commercial
Cryme Tyme Tyme comes out to the ring. Cade and Murdoch come out to face them.
Cade and JTG start out. Side headlock to Cade. He gets out but JTG ducks a clothesline. JTG leaves the ring, sits on the barrier and hangs out with fans for a moment. He re-enters the ring and gets beaten down. Murdoch tags in and gets slammed in the face corner. Shad comes in and slams Murdoch a couple times. Cade rushes in and runs into Shad’s elbow hard. JTG tags in and gets slammed down. Cade tags in, kicks JTG and tags out. Murdoch runs into a back elbow. Bad sunset flip from JTG, he can’t follow through and Murdoch drops down to cover JTG for three.
– Winners: Cade & Murdoch
Cade and Murdoch hug in the ring. Cade rushes out to grab a mic for Murdoch. Yells from the fans to shut up. Cade talks about them being back on a roll. He thinks Murdoch’s singing has something to do with it. He asks the fans if they want to hear him sing. The fans don’t want to hear it. Cade says it doesn’t matter if they want to or if he wants to, Murdoch earned it. Murdoch starts singing Kenny Rogers (rather poorly tonight) then Cade punches Murdoch in the face. Murdoch slowly starts climbing to his feet and Cade punches him again. “You suck” chants. Cade leaves the ring. Murdoch is on the mat trying to get his bearing while Cade stomps up the ramp, gets huge heat form the fans, and sneers at everyone.
SD! Rebound – Vickie talked about how she didn’t want to strip Taker of his title. Taker will face someone for the title at the PPV. There was a tournament and match to find out who would face Taker. It was down to Batista and Show. They beat the hell out of each other and Batista won, but then Vickie says it’s not over because Edge was just then medically cleared to wrestle. So Edge went down, eliminated Batista and will face Taker at the PPV. Taker then played fire games with Edge over the title belt.
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Melina is out back with Jillian. Beth comes up and Melina asks why she left her out there alone. Beth said because Melina knows she can beat Mickie easier than beating Beth. Melina isn’t impressed and attacks Beth. An all out chick fight ensues and Melina gets a hard beat down. The refs Show up and drag Beth away. Jillian tends to Melina who’s on the cement floor holding her head.
JR and King go through the matches for Judgement Day.
Grisham is out back with Orton. He asks about their steel cage match. Orton says he’s so much better than HHH and that HHH had a lucky night at Backlash. Orton’s had 6 months of dominance. Cena, in a few minutes, will learn that Orton’s not only the most athletically gifted performer in the WWE, he’s also the smartest.
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Orton comes out to the ring. Cena comes out to face him.
Huge “Cena” chants. Then small “Cena sucks” chants. Side headlock on Cena. Side headlock takeover. Orton keeps the hold on. Cena pushes out and hits a back elbow. A big bulldog and Cena covers for two. Orton gets whipped then comes out and suplexed for two. Orton gets a big elbow into Cena’s face. Back breaker to Cena and Orton covers for two. Punches drop Cena. Dueling “let’s go Cena” “let’s go Orton” chants. Orton stomps his way around Cena, but Cena is able to grab his foot. Still holding the foot, Cena works his way to his feet and dumps Orton over the top rope.
– Commercial
Headlock on Cena. Cena gets to his feet and knees his way out, but runs into a scoop slam. Orton covers for two. Another headlock on Cena. Cena elbows out. Cena goes for a flying block, but Orton drops out of the way. Orton goes for an RKO, but Cena pushes him off. Cena hits a hard blockbuster and climbs. Cena gets huge height and hits a leg drop.
JBL comes out to the stage with Regal. JBL is in a ref’s shirt. He says Regal has decided the ref is not right for this match and JBL is now the ref.
As soon as JBL enters the ring Cena attacks JBL. Cena gets Orton up for the FU but can’t do it. He falls with Orton on top of him and HBK taps a fast three.
Cena spears JBL. Orton and JBL double team Cena. HHH comes out and attacks Orton. Cena goes after JBL and they end up in the crowd fighting. HHH and Orton beat on each other in the ring. Orton gains the upper hand. Suddenly a steel cage comes down around them. Orton is on top of HHH punching him over and over. Orton looks around at the cage to “HHH” chants. Orton tries to send HHH into the cage but gets nailed with a spinebuster. Orton gets tossed into the side of the cage and slides to the floor somehow. I don’t know how he came out of the bottom of the cage. HHH climbs the cage and stares down at Orton.
Biggest pop
Jeff Hardy
Biggest heat