SAK-TC233L-32F200N belongs to 32-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller of infineon electronic components.The rate at which current is drawn from the external regulator (dIEXT /dt) is limited during the basic infrastructure and EVR13 regulator start-up phase (T0 upto T2) to a maximum of 100 mA/100 us. EVR13 is also robust against a voltage ramp-up starting from a residual voltage between 0 – 1 V. Start-up slew rates for supply rails should comply to datasheet values.
SAK-TC233L-32F200N Infineon Electronic Components Features
High Performance Microcontroller with one CPU core
Power Efficient scalar TriCore CPU (TC1.6E)
16-Channel DMA Controller with safe data transfer
Sophisticated interrupt system (ECC protected)
High performance on-chip bus structure
Optional Hardware Security Module (HSM) on some variants (See below)
Safety Management Unit (SMU) handling safety monitor alarms
Memory Test Unit with ECC, Memory Initialization and MBIST functions (MTU)
Hardware I/O Monitor (IOM) for checking of digital I/O
Keyword: electronic components company