SPOILERS: WWE NXT Tapings from 8/15/19

Thanks to Will Henderson (@willh94) for texting us the following WWE NXT TV spoilers from tonight’s tapings at Full Sail University:
Note: some of these matches air out of order.
August 21 Episode:
* We open with a recap of the “Takeover: Toronto 2019” event
* The Undisputed Era comes out to start. NXT Champion Adam Cole says he did everything he said he would and he’s the greatest champion NXT has had. Roderick Strong says they should all have gold, and says they got screwed. Roddy says NXT North American Champion The Velveteen Dream’s title reign is on borrowed time. Kyle O’Reilly says to win a tag match, you have to pin the legal man. They pitch to video showing that Bobby Fish tagged in to the match at the end and Fish demands NXT General Manager William Regal come make this right. Cole hypes all three of them up and says they are two steps from fulfilling the Undisputed Prophecy. As Undisputed walks up the ramp, Jordan Myles comes out. Cole runs him down while Myles stands there, and after Cole trash talks, Myles hands him the contract he won in the Breakout Tournament before leaving
* Damian Priest defeated Mansoor Al-Shehail. Mansoor gets some fun Hope offense in, but gets leveled with a Razor’s Edge and Priest hits the Archer of Destiny for the win
* Mia Yim defeated Vanessa Borne. Aliyah grabs Mia’s foot for the distraction, allowing Vanessa to take control. Mia takes control back and hits a single-leg Codebreaker/Eat Defeat mashup for the win. After the match, NXT Women’s Champion Shayna Baszler comes out. Shayna tells Mia she’s badass and she took her to places she never had to go to win. Shayna says they don’t have to stand on opposite sides. Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke surround the ring as Shayna proposes she join them. Mia attacks Marina and then gets laid out by the other Horsewomen
* We go to a video package on Keith Lee vs. Donovan Dijakovic, discussing their paths here and how they crossed before they got here, including highlights of their EVOLVE match during WrestleMania 33 weekend and their previous Full Sail encounter. Awesome video package
* Killian Dain defeated Matt Riddle. Riddle jumps Dain from behind to start, but eventually gets overpowered. Riddle fights back and hits the Broton and the elbows, but Dain gets into the ropes and the ref pulls Bro off. Riddle with the ripcord knee, but Dain rebounds with a shotgun drop kick. Riddle catches Dain going for a running senton, and locks in a submission. Riddle misses the Floating Bro and gets thrown into the ring post. Dain charges the steps, but Riddle gets out of the way. Riddle goes to drop him on the steps, but Dain counters. Dain hits a senton on the stairs, a drop off the apron, and three Vader drops for the win. After the match, Riddle runs up the ramp and attacks Dain, and they brawl outside, ending with Dain doing a running senton onto Riddle on the concrete with a ladder on him
August 28 Episode:
* Io Shirai defeated Cami Fields in a squash match. Io hits the moonsault, but picks Fields up at 2 and locks in her modified Koji Clutch for the tapout. After the match, Io grabs a kendo stick, but Candice LeRae runs down and takes the stick and runs Io off
* Dominik Dijakovic defeated Keith Lee in a great big man back and forth match. Lee with a big lariat for 2. They fight on the apron. Lee one arm powerbombs Dijakovic on the apron. Dijakovic with a Fosberry Flop. Dijakovic with a toss suplex and a moonsault for 2. They fight on the top rope. Lee hits a Spanish Fly (yes you read that right) for 2. Lee goes up for the Doomsault, but Dijakovic kicks his leg out, pulls him off the rope, and hits Feast Your Eyes for the win. What a match
* NXT Women’s Champion Shayna Baszler comes out. Before she can speak, Rhea Ripley interrupts to a big pop. Rhea squares off with Shayna, takes the mic, and says she knows what Shayna’s gonna say, that she’s beaten everyone here, but Rhea says “you haven’t beaten me, bitch!” Shayna and Rhea stare each other down
* A promo from NXT Tag Team Champions The Street Profits is shown. They say they’ve got light work tonight with The Undisputed Era
September 4 Episode:
* Breezango defeated Chase Parker & Matt Martel. Parker & Martel are Team 3.0. They work over Tyler Breeze for most of the match. Breeze gets the hot tag to Fandango, who runs wild, and they hit the elbow drop on the knees double team for the win
* Bianca Belair defeated Taynara Conti. Good exchange to start. Double knees in the corner by Belair. Taynara into an armbar over the ropes. Bianca slams Taynara on the floor. They both get in at 9 and charge at each other with Bianca getting the best of the battle. Bianca hits a forearm and the Belair Driver for the win
* NXT Champion Cole retained over Jordan Myles, who was cashing in his NXT Breakout Tournament title shot. Cole with a side headlock to start, and he keeps going back to it to counter Myles. Myles with an armdrag, Cole backs him into the corner. Myles misses on the running apron kick and Cole pulls him to the floor. Cole in complete control. Jordan fight back after some Cole trash talk and runs wild, hitting a big crossbody for 2. Cole back in control, but misses a Panama Sunrise. Cole with a Figure 4 but Myles gets to the ropes. They fight on the top rope. Myles jumps off, but Cole kicks him out of the air and hits the knee brainbuster for 2. Myles with a tope and a frogsplash for a near fall. Myles catches a superkick and puts Cole down and hits a 450 for 2. Cole nails a superkick as Myles gets back in the ring, one to the back of the head, and the Last Shot for the win
* Video promo from The Undisputed Era about their tag titles match
September 11 Episode:
* Damian Priest defeated Boa. Priest with the spin kick and the Crossrhodes (not called Archer of Destiny, my mistake earlier) for the win
* Johnny Gargano out. Gets a giant Johnny Wrestling for a few minutes before starting his promo. He does the usual “We Are NXT” promo, and says he’s made his decision. Before he can announce it, he’s interrupted by Shane Thorne. Thorne says they’re wasting more time. He says he gets it, but this place is gonna be just fine without him. Thorne tells Johnny to take his bow, and take a walk. Gargano goes to leave and says he’s right, but he’s not going anywhere, and kicks Thorne. Gargano writes NXT in the air with his fingers and does the 4-life sign
* NXT North American Champion The Velveteen Dream defeated Kona Reeves. Dream wins with the Dream Valley Driver. This was really a nothing match. After the match, Roderick Strong cuts a promo on the video screen to interrupt Dream. Roddy asks if Dream is ready for an experience with Roddy, and the camera pans out to show Dream’s couch on fire. Roddy asks if he has Dream’s attention now
* Pete Dunne defeated Angel Garza. Dunne with Digital Control to start as Garza attempted to do his tear away pants gimmick. Garza gets Dunne outside and kicks him while he’s upside down on the apron. Garza tears the pants off to a huge pop. Garza with dropkick to Dunne’s legs in the corner. Garza attempts a middle rope moonsault, but Dunne catches him and snaps his fingers in an armbar for a tapout
* Cameron Grimes defeated Raul Mendoza. Raul with a running shooting star for 2. They go back and forth. Grimes dodges a phoenix splash and hits the standing double stomp for the win
* NXT Women’s Champion Shayna Baszler defeated Rhea Ripley by DQ in a non-title match. They go back and forth to start, with Rhea getting the better and taking control. Shayna reverses a suplex into a cradle for 2. Shayna catches Rhea in the ropes and turns the tide. Rhea gets caught in the choke, but backs Shayna into the corner. Shayna locks the choke in on the middle rope, dangling Rhea off the ground. Shayna gets knocked outside. Rhea puts her in an electric chair and drops her face first on the steps. Rhea rolls her in the ring when Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke run down. Rhea fights them off, but catches a knee from Shayna. Shayna gets a chair, but Rhea takes it away and hits Shayna for the DQ. Post match, Rhea sits in the chair and challenges Shayna as she holds the belt up on the stage
* The Undisputed Era’s Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish defeated The Street Profits to become the new NXT Tag Team Champions. Montez Ford and Bobby Fish start. Fish takes control, tags Kyle O’Reilly. Kyle holds Montez at bay with a side headlock. Angelo Dawkins and Montez run wild. Crossbody for 2. Kyle kicks Montez while the ref is distracted keeping Dawkins out. Undisputed take control back and work over Montez. Kyle with an STF. Fish attacks Montez’s knee. Montez fights back and gets the hot tag to Dawkins. Dawkins with a spear for 2. Dawkins with an ugly suplex on Fish. Kyle with a kneebar on Dawkins, Montez breaks it up. They all 4 trade blows. Montez misses the frog splash and Undisputed hit the high-low for the win and the titles. This match should air on September 11. That’s the end of the tapings as The Undisputed Era poses on the stage together
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