The Global Elite: Rigging the Rules That Fuel Inequality

The global elite have rigged the rules so that “economic growth looks more like a winner-take-all system” that undermines democracy and threatens future generations with a “cascade of privilege and disadvantage,” a new report from Oxfam states.

The report, Working for the Few: Political capture and economic inequality, states that just 85 of the world’s richest people own the wealth of half of the world’s population. Further:

  • Seven out of 10 people live in countries where economic inequality has increased over the past three decades.
  • In 24 out of 26 countries the top one percent increased their share of income from 1980 to 2012.
  • In the U.S. following the 2009 financial crisis, the bottom 90 percent has become poorer while the top one percent has captured 95 percent of the growth.

Among the factors that are contributing to policies that favor the rich and corporations over everyone else are tax havens and tax structures that enable tax dodging, financial deregulation, and austerity policies that have benefited investors while hurting everyone else. As the report states, these policies undermine democracy: