Recently Triple H sat down for an interview on Facebook Live while he was on tour in India to promote the upcoming WWE shows there. The subject of the Rock came up and he had quite a bit to say, here are the highlights:
Whether he’ll step in the ring again:
“Yes, but you have to watch to see. Eventually, I will get back in the ring. Somebody always calls me out.”
His relationship with the Rock:
“See, it’s always competitive with Rock and
The Rock’s WWE roots:
“Do you know the one thing about The Rock is that he’s in Hollywood, he’s making movies, and doing a million different things, but in his heart, he’s still WWE. And if you’re a fan of his, don’t ever think differently because I know how he is…he can make all the movies he wants, do all the projects he wants, as can I, but there is nothing in the world like standing in front of the WWE Universe and have that whether it’s 5,000 or 100,000, just going crazy, and knowing that you have those emotions in the palm of your hand, and can control that. There’s no feeling in the world like that. And I think that’s just who he is.”
A possible match with The Rock:
“About two years ago, he and I did a backstage promo with each other where we talked about WrestleMania and the competitive nature of that and it lit the internet about the possibility of it. It’s something we’ve discussed. It’s just making schedules work. He’s pretty busy – me too – so it’s making schedules work. But look, right place, right time, I’ll dance one more time with ‘The Great One’, Rock.”