Triple H recently sat with Rolling Stone‘s Kenny Herzog to promote the upcoming 25th Anniversary Episode of Monday Night Raw. There has been a lot of promotion for the episode in recent weeks, including videos, an appearance by Triple H and Stephanie on Jimmy Fallon, and Stephanie sitting down with the UK’s Mirror. The event will be taking place in just a couple of days and will emanate from both the Manhattan Center and the Barclay Center in New York, and will feature several legends and even have Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler guest commentating the show.
Rolling Stone talked to “The King of Kings” in which he talks about the hype for the show, how hard it is to put together and more.
On hyping up the 25th Anniversary episode…
“For whatever reason, 25 years on the air of episodic television, storylines, characters, ebbs and flows but yet staying in that number-one [slot]on cable television… it’s hard not to look at that and go, “Really?” I think that’s what the palpable energy is for everyone here, whether that be in the office or for the talent. Some of our talent weren’t even old enough to be watching when Raw started on the air.”
On how hard it was to plan and produce the show…
“When you take 25 years of memorable moments and characters, trying to boil that down to a three-hour Raw episode being simulcast and in two places, how do you whittle that down to certain people and times and events? I was doing an interview the other day, and they put out a list so I could refresh my memory, and it was pages and pages of these moments. As I’m going through them, “Oh my god, that was the coolest thing ever. That was the coolest thing ever. That was even cooler.” And then there are the ones that involve me. But there are so many others, and that’s been the hardest thing – not forgetting stuff. You can’t get everybody, and you’re going to get a lot of people who go, “I can’t believe they didn’t do this and talk about that.” It’s 25 years. You just can’t do it all. I can tell you what it will be: It will be one hell of a celebration.”
On those that can’t be here to be a part of the anniversary show…
“Boy, if you’re gonna make a list of the people who aren’t here who can’t be a part of this, it’s a fairly long list. I wish they were, but it’s been 25 years, so people who had a big contribution unfortunately are no longer here. But no different than anything else in life, the celebration is for living and now. It’s the excitement for what the people who are here now have accomplished. It doesn’t mean that the other people didn’t contribute in dramatic ways. Again, 25 years, we’re gonna miss stuff, and I wish everybody could participate in it and celebrate with us, but it just can’t be.”
On what it will be like the day after…
“A year ago, Vince [McMahon] was atWrestleMania, and WrestleMania got done, and he took his headset off, took a deep breath and was like, “Man, that was good.” And one of our writers walked over to him and handed him the script for Monday Night Raw. He goes, “That’s it? That’s my offseason? Here we go.” And that is what we do. Tuesday morning when we wake up, that will be the start of the next 25 years.”
Rolling Stone