Trump Surprised by Meghan Markle's 'Nasty' Comments About Him

President Trump has expressed surprise that Meghan, Duchess of Sussex — or Meghan Markle, in her previous life as an American actress — made “nasty” comments about him.

Sitting down for an interview with British tabloid The Sun ahead of his state visit to the United Kingdom, the President was asked what he thought about 37-year-old former Suits star having said she would move to Canada if he got elected.

“A lot of people are moving here, observed the President. So, what can I say? I didn’t know she was nasty [about me],” he said.

Markle — as she then was — endorsed Hillary Clinton and branded Mr Trump “misogynistic [and] vocal about it” ahead of the U.S. elections in 2016.

“You’re not just voting for a woman if it’s Hillary. Yes, you’re voting because she’s a woman, but certainly because Trump has made it easy to see that you don’t really want that kind of world that he’s painting,” she added.

The President was charitable towards the Duchess even after hearing she had expressed a dim view of him, however, saying he thought it was nice to have an American princess, and that he was “sure she will do excellently, she will be very good”.

Despite the needling questions from The Sun, the President remained extremely upbeat about the state visit, on which he will be accompanied by his adult children Donald Jr, Ivanka, Eric, and Tiffany, in hopes they can hold a “next generation” with Prince William, next in line the throne after Prince Charles, and his younger brother Harry — Meghan’s husband.

“It will be great seeing the Queen for the second time,” the President enthused.

“We had a very good talk the first one. We had a lot of interesting things to say. It really was a great visit. My mother also loved the Queen.”

President Trump’s left-liberal detractors in Britain, who at their most hysterical have demanded he be banned from the country outright, often forget that his mother Mary MacLeod was a native of the Isle of Lewis, in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides — and that he is therefore entitled to British citizenship by birthright.

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