WCH Pool A: Serbs regain self-confidence

2nd leg in Pool A in Hall of Century didn’t bring us surprises. Serbia, Poland and Venezuela got 3 points.



Argentina: Uriarte (1), Conte (11), Solé (6), Gonzalez (14), Filardi (5), Crer (6), Closter (L) and De Cecco (1), Darraidou, Quiroga (2), Ramos (3)
Serbia: Jovovic (2), N.Kovacevic (13), Podrascanin (12), Atanasijevic (18), Nikic (10), Stankovic (12), Rosic (L) and U.Kovacevic, Petric, Lisinac

First match started from game point by point until Nikola Kovacevic made a spike fault (12-10 for Argentina). Then Albicelestes were losing points after Serbs counterattacks and reception errors (13-17). Later Serbia kept control (15-21) and even good substitution by Rodrigo Quiroga didn’t help a lot (17-25).

In second set team coached by Julio Velasco started serving and spiking harder what gave them a little advantage at start (8-6). Serbs struggled in reception, while Velasco changed setter – Nicolas Urairte was replaced by Luciano De Cecco and Argentina still led (16-14). Leading hitter by Serbs was Aleksandar Atanasijevic, while their opponent was led by Facundo Conte and Jose Luis Gonzalez (23-19). In the end of the set Argentina added some amazing defences (25-20).

Third set started with little lead by Serbia (2-4), but a moment later Argentina used opportunities in terms of spiking and serving (7-7). Later we had battle of opposites: Gonzalez and Atanasijevic. After good spike with using block by Milos Nikic and block on Rodrigo Quiroga, Serbs took bigger advantage (10-14). Argentina couldn’t deal with strong serves and lost contact with oppoonent (13-20). Despite this they decreased behind, but it wasn’t enough (21-25).

Serbia took advantage quite quickly in last set after good performance by middle blocker Dragan Stankovic and spiking fault by middle Sebastian Sole (4-8). Serbian block worked better and better, even on the middle (6-12). Serbs kept this advantage until second technical timeout, but later lost a focus (13-16). But it was all what could Albicelestes do in that match (21-25).

My MVP choice – Aleksandar Atanasijevic (Serbia)


Venezuela: Carrasco (6), Montoya (11), Cedeno (12), Pinerua (26), Gonzalez (7), Chourio (10), Mata (L) and Contreras (2), Rodriguez, Paez
Cameroon: Mbutngam (1), Wounembaina (19), Dolegombai (11), Mboulet Ndaki (25), Kody Bitjaa (1), Nongni Zanguim (1), Fossi (L) and Kofane Boyomo (7), Moussa (3), Feughouo, Kari Adeke (1)

Second match in Wrocław was battle of outsiders. In first two sets Venezuelan team got a little advantage tfrom starts (8:6 in first and 8:4 in second set). Opposite Kervin Pinerua was key for gaining advantage, while on the other side of net leaders were opposite Mboulet and outside hitter Nathan Wounembaina. African team didn’t give up after losses in first two sets and was even more foucsed in the third one. Venezuelans committed too many errors in reception and it helped Cameroon to win a set. They started  next set quite effectively, but Pinerua and teammates took control quite quickly and won last set without bigger difficulties.

My MVP choice – Kervin Pinerua (Venezuela)

Australia: Sukochev (1), White (6), Zingel (5), Edgar (20), Smith (2), Mote (6), Perry (L) and Douglas-Powell (4), Roberts, Peacock
Poland: Zagumny (1), Winiarski (13), Nowakowski (11), Wlazły (12), Mika (14), Kłos (6), Zatorski (L) and Konarski (1), Drzyzga, Kubiak

Good start with blocking and serving gave Poles advantage (2-5). They kept it until first technical time out and later they enlarged it mostly thanks to outside hitter Mateusz Mika (5-10). Game became quite tight, but Poland kept distance, after spike by Mariusz Wlazły there were 6 points of advantage. When  Australia got point, then lost more after errors in reception and spiking (13-21). Opponents tried to defend, but good kills by Wlazły and Mika ended set (17-25).

Poles started second set similarly – with block. Game was tighter than in first set – Poland got advantage but later lost it quickly, in order to regain it few point later (6-8). Cangaroos were making less errors what gave them even a little lead (13-12). Thanks to Wlazły this results changed quickly in favour of Poland (13-16). Australian main weapon Thomas Edgar spiked effectively, but Poland played wisely and still had advantage (17-20). Good performance by Michał Winiarski and Piotr Nowakowski gave next set for team coached by Stephane Antiga (19-25).

Nowakowski contributed a lot in start of third set and Poland was on little lead (3-5). Australia came to a tie, but few good actions by Mateusz Mika and his mates changed situation (6-9). Lead dropped after fault by Winiarski (12-13), but was regained before 2nd TTO (13-16). Poland gained advantage (14-20) and coach of Australians Jon Uriarte took timeout (14-20). Cangaroos came back to game and tried to win a set but it was too late and host of tournament won second game without losing a set! (23-25).

My MVP choice – Mateusz Mika (Poland)

Photo and infographics: FIVB

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