WWE Extreme Rules Results – May 4, 2014

WWE Extreme Rules 2014

After the “WeeLC” match some more highlights and video packages are shown, as well as a quick backstage promo from Zeb Colter. He didn’t really say anything of note. Basic stuff, ending with his “we the people” catchphrase. Ladies and gentlemen, the 2014 edition of WWE Extreme Rules is officially underway. The typical kick-ass video package airs to open the show, and then we shoot live into the IZOD Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey.

Triple-Threat Elimination Match
– Rob Van Dam vs. Cesaro (with Paul Heyman) vs. Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

After a quick glimpse inside the IZOD Center, we immediately hear Rob Van Dam’s theme music. RVD makes his way to the ring as Michael Cole formally welcomes us to WWE Extreme Rules. After that, Jack Swagger, accompanied as usual by Zeb Colter, makes his way to the ring. As they make their way to the ring, highlights are shown of what transpired throughout the past few weeks with all three of these guys.

Then, we hear Paul Heyman’s voice. He brags a bunch and then talks about how Extreme Rules is the one night a year “WWE gets it right.” He continues putting over extreme stuff, alluding to ECW to get some cheers and then quickly swerves and starts talking about how his client — Brock Lesnar — conquered the streak. He then introduces his new client, whom he calls the new “King of Extreme,” Cesaro. Cesaro’s annoying theme music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Our first pay-per-view match is now officially underway, folks!

All three guys brawl early to kick this one off. When the smoke clears, Van Dam is the guy in control of the offense early on. Van Dam hits a bunch of his trademark moves and spots until Cesaro finally catches him and muscles him up and slams him down. Cesaro powerbombs Van Dam on the floor to slow down his momentum. The fans have been chanting “RVD” quite a bit so far, by the way.

Swagger gains the upper-hand offensively and is dominating both guys for a minute or so. Cesaro ends up catching Swagger’s legs. Cesaro does the Cesaro-Swing to Swagger. The fans count along with each swing, but Cesaro is eventually cut-off by a big kick from Van Dam. The fans boo Van Dam for interupting the swing.

Van Dam comes off the top-rope, however he is caught by the foot by Swagger and is locked up in the Patriot Lock. Cesaro ends up breaking that up. Cesaro ends up hitting a superplex on Swagger off the top-rope. Van Dam immediately hits a Five Star Frogsplash as soon as Swagger landed. Van Dam covers him and 1-2-3. There’s some confusion in the building, as fans didn’t seem to realize this is an elimination match. Eventually, Lilian Garcia gets on the house mic and announces that Jack Swagger has been eliminated.

Cesaro and Van Dam lock horns and now the two crowd-favorites are battling it out. Cesaro does one of his pure-muscle slams on Van Dam, picking him up without any help of Van Dam assisting him with his own momentum. The fans break out in a “Ce-sar-o” chant, so it seems — for now at least — that they are routing for Cesaro to get the “W” in this one.

Van Dam regains the offensive upper-hand again, and is doing his typical RVD moves in sequence, basically the same stuff we’ve seen him do for years. We get a shot of Heyman freaking out on the floor, shouting to Cesaro that “this is what I told you about this guy!” Meanwhile, Van Dam pulls a trash can out from under the ring. Cesaro ends up baseball-sliding it into RVD’s face before he can take it into the ring.

The action resumes in the ring, where Cesaro now has the trash can. Van Dam rolls Cesaro up for a pin attempt, using only his legs. Van Dam puts the now crushed trash can on top of Cesaro and climbs to the top-rope. Van Dam goes for the Five Star Frogsplash, but Cesaro moves. Cesaro hits his Neutralizer finisher on Van Dam onto the trash can. 1-2-3. Cesaro wins.

Winner: Cesaro

Backstage: Daniel Bryan & Stephanie McMahon

Backstage, we see a doctor checking on Daniel Bryan’s condition. Stephanie McMahon walks in with her serious/sad face. She basically warns Bryan that she can’t control Kane now that he’s under the mask again, and now that he’s the “monster” again. Stephanie tells Bryan he doesn’t have to compete tonight if he doesn’t want to. She says he can officially surrender the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Daniel Bryan tells Stephanie to “get out of my face.” He says he’s walking in as the champ tonight, and somehow he’ll find a way to walk out the same. Steph says he may not even be walking out tonight, and furthermore, he’s going to end up as “Kane’s bitch.” She walks off as the fans in the arena gasp.

Alexander Rusev (with Lana) vs. R-Truth & Xavier Woods

“The Ravishing Russian” is introduced. Lana says she and Rusev are dedicating tonight’s match to the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. After that, she introduces Rusev. “The Bulgarian Brute” makes his way to the ring. Out next, rapping the entire time, is the duo of R-Truth and Xavier Woods. Truth dedicates the match to the United States of America.

Woods runs to the ring and Rusev immediately floors him with a big boot to the face. The action spills out to the floor, where Rusev is now dominating Truth as well. Rusev hits a big throwing back-suplex on Woods on the floor. Back in the ring, Truth is standing alone. The bell rings and our “handicap match” is now officially underway.

Rusev is dominating, exactly as you would expect, so far in this match. Truth finally gets some offense in. He can’t get him off his feet until he finally drops him with a missile dropkick. Truth is actually getting in a considerable amount of offense at this point. We see a shot of doctors attending to Woods outside the ring.

Truth goes to continue his offensive attack, however Rusev hits the ropes and ends up coming off and dropping Truth with a flying spinning-kick. Lana orders Rusev to “crush him” from outside the ring, so Rusev obliges. Rusev applies “The Accolade” and Truth taps out. Rusev wins.

Winner: Alexander Rusev

After The Match

As “The Bulgarian Brute” and “The Ravishing Russian” were heading up the aisle, Lana orders Rusev to crush him some more. Rusev attacks Truth, hitting a big fall-away slam on him on the floor. His music hits again and finally he and Lana make their way to the back.

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