Lilian Garcia Promotes The Special Olympics
After a quick commercial, Lilian Garcia talks about the Special Olympics, which WWE is a proud sponsor of, and which will be held in New Jersey as well. She points out some Special Olympics athletes at ringside.
Backstage: Renee Young Interviews Evolution
Backstage, Renee Young is with all three members of Evolution. Triple H starts off the promo. He addresses Evolution’s egos and how The Shield said it will be their downfall. HHH puts over Batista, Randy Orton and then himself. Randy Orton follows up by guaranteeing that The Shield will perish tonight. He closes by saying, “you can believe in that.” All three touch hands like The Shield and that ends the backstage segment.
WWE Intercontinental Championship
– Bad News Barrett vs. Big E. (c)
After the backstage segment, Bad News Barrett’s music hits and 15,000 or so WWE fans in New Jersey absolutely explode. Barrett cuts a promo on his way to the ring, of course informing everyone that he’s “got some bad news.” After his promo, we see some highlights of the Intercontinental Championship contender tournament and everything that went down to get Barrett to this point tonight. Finally, the WWE I-C champ’s music hits and Big E. makes his way to the ring.
It’s back-and-forth action early on until Big E. finally establishes the upper-hand in the offense. The I-C champ hits a belly-to-belly slam and a clothesline. He goes for a suplex on the apron but Barrett decks him. Big E. turns around and spears him off of the apron onto the floor. He rolls Barrett back in the ring, but Barrett comes out of nowhere and hits his Winds of Change semi-finisher for a near fall. Barrett connects with his Wasteland semi-finisher and then sets Big E. up for the Bad News Bull Hammer Elbow.
Barrett goes for the Bad News Bull Hammer Elbow, but Big E. avoids it and floors Barrett. Big E. is firing up now, as he pulls down the straps. He whips Barrett into the ropes, but Barrett ducks, hits the opposite ropes and comes flying off with a successful Bad News Bull Hammer Elbow. He immediately covers the champ — 1-2-3. We have a new WWE Intercontinental Champion, folks!
Winner and NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion: Bad News Barrett
Faction vs. Faction
– Evolution vs. The Shield
The video package is shown to tell everyone the story behind the Evolution vs. The Shield feud. After the video package, Evolution’s theme music hits and out walks Triple H, Batista and Randy Orton. As all three Evolution members stretch and prepare in the ring, a loud “Shield, Shield, Shield” chant breaks out. Several seconds goes by without The Shield’s theme music ever hitting the loud speakers. Finally, after a solid 20 seconds or so, their music finally does hit. Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins make their way to the ring through the crowd.
The bell rings and here we go. This has a good feel to it already. All three members of The Shield beat down all three members of Evolution, dumping each of them outside of the ring straight out of the gate. When the smoke clears, Triple H and Seth Rollins are in the ring, and within seconds HHH is in control. HHH and Orton take turns beating on Rollins. Batista, who has sorta-kinda new ring gear, is finally tagged in, and he picks up where his fellow Evolution buddies left off. He dominates Rollins for just a minute or two and then tags “The Viper” back into the match.
Rollins takes a couple more minutes of punishment and then finally makes the hot-tag to Dean Ambrose. The reigning WWE United States Champion hits the ring and is beating down anything that moves. Eventually, after some interferenfce, Orton locks Ambrose in the figure-four leg lock to slow down his momentum. Roman Reigns finally hits the ring to break things up. Reigns is outside the ring now with Batista, which is what the camera is focusing on at the moment, and we see Reigns manhandling “The Animal.” He slams him around with ease and then hits a vicious spear on Batista into the barricade.
Meanwhile, back in the ring, behind the referee’s back, Ambrose is getting double-teamed by two and three members of Evolution. A loud “Boo-tista” chant breaks out as “The Animal” continues to keep the offensive pressure on Ambrose. Evolution start utilizing quick-tags to keep fresh guys on Ambrose.
The three Evoution members keep taking turns tagging each other in to keep fresh guys on top of Ambrose. A pattern is forming where every single time Batista gets tagged in, the fans absolutely explode with a “Boo-tista” chant or just straight boo’s. As “The Animal” went to work on Ambrose this particular time, a loud “you can’t wrestle” chant immediately spread throughout the arena. Batista quickly tagged back out.
The match started off with Rollins stuck in the ring selling to all three members of Evolution, one at a time, before finally making the tag to Ambrose, who had all of a minute of offense, before the same thing happened to him. After several minutes of Ambrose being dominated by all three members of Evolution, each utilizing quick-tags, finally — finally, Roman Reigns gets the hot-tag.
Reigns takes the tag and now The Shield are having their first true offensive burst in this match. Reigns is spearing anything that moves. He’s blasting fools with wicked Superman punches. He’s dominating the hell out of any-and-everything that moves inside the 20 x 20 squared circle. The fans break out in a “Roman Reigns” chant. After a bunch of interference, Evolution finally manages to slow down Reigns’ momentum.
After some sneak-attacks and double-and-triple team spots, Reigns is on his back. Triple H blasts him with a Pedigree. Now Orton blasts him with an RKO. Batista crawls over to pin him, but Rollins manages to make the save. The action spills out to the floor. A loud “this is awesome” chant breaks out. There are bodies everywhere. There’s a member of each faction battling against one-another in different spots throughout the arena. All six guys are spread around in the crowd in pairs, with a member of The Shield and a member of Evolution fighting at all the various parts of the arena.
The cameras follow two pairs of guys on opposite ends of the arena — still in the crowd — while we get a shot to let us know that two of the guys are laid out in the ring. Some of the guys are way up near the top of the arena now. HHH and Orton end up together and are working over Ambrose in the crowd in a two-on-one scenario. Out of nowhere, Seth Rollins comes flying into the camera-shot, taking out both HHH and Orton. The fans explode with “holy shit” chants.
Now the camera focuses on Roman Reigns and Batista inside the ring. They finally get to their feet and Batista spears Reigns. The fans boo like crazy. Batista misses another attempted move and Reigns follows up with his Superman punch. Reigns squats in the corner and waits for “The Animal” to get up. When he finally does, Reigns greets him with an enormous spear. He covers him — 1-2-3. Roman Reigns scores the pin and The Shield gets the victory.
Winners: The Shield