WWE World Heavyweight Championship
(Extreme Rules Match)
– Kane vs. Daniel Bryan (c)
The video package for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match between the leader of the “Yes! Movement” and “The Devil’s Favorite Demon” airs, highlighting the history of the recent Daniel Bryan and Kane feud, complete with a ton of annoying sound-bytes of Stephanie McMahon screeching and screaming in promos throughout the past few weeks.
After the video package concludes, Daniel Bryan’s music hits and the WWE World Heavyweight Champion “Yes!” chants his way down to the ring as an entire arena full of people chant along with him. This is definitely a Daniel Bryan crowd folks, as we see a wide-shot of the entire building all throwing their hands up at approximately the same time, chanting “Yes!” together with the champ. After D-Bry’s entrance, the fire pyro explodes and out walks Kane.
Kane doesn’t make it to the ring, as he and Bryan brawl immediately in the aisle and Kane instantly gains the upper-hand. Kane blasts Bryan with some foreign objects and then throws him back into the ring.
The action doesn’t stay in the ring long, as after a brief flurry of quick offense from Bryan, Kane takes over again and brings the fight back outside of the ring on the floor. Kane beats down Bryan some more and then the action resumes inside the ring.
There’s a kendo stick and a steel chair in the ring now, as the foreign objects start to pile up in this “extreme rules match.” Kane slams Bryan on an opened up chair for a near fall.
The two brawl all over the place, eventually heading out to the back. Bryan gets bashed into a car. He ends up ducking and Kane puts his hand through a car window. Bryan grabs a tire iron from the trunk of another car. When Kane turns around, Bryan blasts him with it.
Bryan and Kane continue fighting all over the backstage area, ultimately leading to a spot where Bryan lays Kane out on a forklift. He drives the forklift back into the arena and down to ringside. He raises it and dumps Kane into the ring. The fans boo, expecting a spot up there. Bryan, never one to displease, climbs up the vehicle and does a huge dive off the top of it and blasts Kane with a super-flying headbutt for a close near fall.
The two battle back-and-forth in the ring for a bit, leading to a spot where Bryan secures the “Yes! Lock” on Kane, but doing so with a kendo stick. Kane eventually escapes. Bryan knocks Kane out to the floor. Bryan goes for his trademark running-dive through the ropes, but Kane catches him coming down and chokeslams him with a vengeance through the announce table.
Kane goes under the ring and grabs a table. He opens it up and sets it up outside the ring. However, he’s not done. He grabs gasoline and covers the table in it. He lights the table on fire as the crowd goes ballistic. Bryan ends up knocking Kane into — and through — the table. It looked like Kane was actually on fire for a second or two after going through the table, and ringside staff ended up having to use a fire extinguisher on him for several seconds. He gets back in the ring, running directly into a flying knee from Daniel Bryan. 1-2-3. Bryan retains.
Winner and STILL WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Daniel Bryan
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